Utah State Rifle & Pistol Association

2019 Shooting Schedule

Wendover 1000 yard range looking North from the impact berm.

For more information on competitve target shooting events at Centerville, see Centerville Small Arms website, then click on the range schedule tab.


Wendover Schedule  Calendar for Wendover events this year.

April 27, 2019  Long Range format 3 x 1000 yds. Squadding at 0815, 0900 start time. Wendover, Utah. Match is weather dependent, so watch website two days before match.

May 25, 2019 Palma format 800, 900, 1000 yds format. Squadding at 0815, 0900 Start time.  Wendover, Utah. Impact berm at Wendover was "borrowed" for monster truck event at Wendover Airport. Range not safe.

June 22-23, 2019 USRPA Long Range Regional.  Squadding at 0815, start time 0900 each day. Wendover, Utah.Impact berm at Wendover was "borrowed" for monster truck event at Wendover Airport has not been replaced yet. Exposed rocks present in impact berm. Range not safe.

August 24, 2019 3x1000 yards format. Squadding at 0815, 0900 start time. Wendover, Utah.

September 21, 2019 Palma format 800, 900, and 1000 yds. format. Squadding at 0815, 0900 Start time.  Wendover, Utah.Match cancelled due to insufficient pre registrations.

September 27-28, 2019 509th Bombardment Group Reunion (200 yards) Wendover, Utah.

October 26, 2019 3 x 1000 yards format. Squadding at 0815, start time 0900. Wendover, Utah.Match cancelled due to insufficient pre registrations.

We have a record of any people who have shot with us in the last two years. If you are new to shooting with us just send an email to contact us saying you plan to attend the match by Wednesday before the Saturday match. Also if you are new to shooting with us, please complete the match registration form here complete this form, and either mail it to us or bring it with you to the match. Payments from all competitors with be collected at the range prior to the match. See program bulletin above for match details.

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2018 Shooting Schedule